Thomas the Apostle (Tomáš)
He is considered as the patron of architects, builders,
surveyor, carpenters, masons, stonecutters as well as theologians. He
was born in Galilee and his original occupation was fishery. His story
in the New Testament, which tells us that he doubted Jesus Christ’s
resurrection when Jesus came to the Apostles because he had not been
there and asked for evidence, gave him the surname “Doubting Thomas”.
On the astronomical clock, he is depicted with a spear.
Jude Thaddaeus (Juda Tadeáš)
Jude Thaddaeus is mentioned rarely in the New Testament. When
depicted with all the Apostles, he almost always occupies a modest
place. He is the patron of people in serious neediness and desperate
situations. He is usually depicted with a club, stones, a pole-axe or a
Andrew (Ondřej)
Andrew lived in his youth together with his younger brother
Simon, the later Apostle Peter, in Kapernaum by the Lake of Gennesaret;
they were both fishermen. Andrew became am apprentice of John the
Baptist and joined Jesus Christ as the first Apostle. He is the patron
of miners, ropemakers and brides. On the astronomical clock, he carries
an X?shaped cross, also called “Saint Adrew’s Cross”.
James (Jakub)
There were two Jameses among the original Apostles. The
so?called James the Greater, son of Zebedee, was brother of John the
Apostle. He became the patron of warriors, workers, pharmacists and
smiths. Even his contemporaries used to mistake him for the other
James, so?called James the Lesser, Jesus Christ’s relative and son of
Alphaeus. On the Prague Astronomical Clock in its present form, only
one of them, James the Lesser, is present.
Barnabas (Barnabáš)
Barnabas belonged to the broader group of 72 apprentices of
Jesus Christ’s; however, he never met him. His original name was
Joseph. He sold all his possessions and his mansion and dedicated the
yield to Peter the Apostle for the needs of the Church. He accompanied
Paul on his first missionary journey. He is worshipped as the patron by
weavers and hoopers. On the astronomical clock, he is depicted with a
skull and a papyrus.
John the Evangelist (Jan Evangelista)
John the Evangelist came from Bethsaida by the Lake of
Gennesaret and he was, just as Peter and Andrew, a fisherman. His
brother was James the Greater, another Apostle. He outlived all his
fellow Apostles and he is also the only one to die naturally. He is the
author of the fourth Gospel and of the apocalyptic Book of the
Revelation to John, full of celestial visions. He has always belonged
to very popular saints. He is the patron of theologians, clerks,
notaries, typists, writers, booksellers, book printers, book binders,
paper producers, wine-growers, butchers, saddle?makers, manufacturers
of mirrors, engravers, chandlers, basket?makers and friendship. On the
astronomical clock, he is depicted overmastering a snake emerging from
a goblet.
Matthew (Matěj)
Matthew belonged to the broader group of Jesus Christ’s
disciples and was selected by lot to join the Apostles instead of
Judas. He is the patron of building craftsmen, butchers, confectioners,
smiths and tailors. He is depicted mostly with a book, a scroll, a
sword or a spear and very frequently with an axe as the tool using
which he was tortured to death. On the astronomical clock, he is
depicted with the axe.
Peter (Petr)
Peter was the first of the Apostles. The name is derived from
the Greek word “petros”, which means “a rock”. His original name was
Simon and he was a fisherman together with his brother, Andrew. By
conversion to Latin, the name changed to Petrus (in Czech, finally, to
Petr). He is the patron of popes, butchers, glassmakers, cabinetmakers,
watchmakers, locksmiths, tinsmiths, smiths, moulders, potters, masons,
brickmakers, bridge builders, stonecutters, fishnet?makers, drapers,
fullers, fishermen and shipmen. According to the Bible, Jesus told him:
“You are a rock, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the
gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the
keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever you shall bind on earth
shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall
be loosed in heaven.” Thus Petr became the first bishop and the leader
of the Christian community. He is buried in a crypt in the St. Peter
Cathedral in Vatican and his name is stated there as the first of the
popes’ names. On the astronomical clock, he is depicted with a key.
Bartholomew (Bartoloměj)
Bartholomew, by original name Nathanael, was born in Cana in Galilee
and joined Jesus through Philip the Apostle. After Jesus Christ’s
death, he disseminated Christianity in Armenia, India and Mesopotamia.
He is the patron of miners, butchers, bookbinders, farmers,
wine?growers, bakers, shepherds, saddle?makers, tanners, shoemakers and
plasterers. On the astronomical clock, he is depicted with a book.
Simon the Apostle (Šimon)
Simon is also called Zealot. He journeyed as a preacher and
missionary together with Jude Thaddaeus to Syria, Mesopotamia and
Persia. Hagiography tells us that he was beheaded or cut with a saw.
That is why sawyers and woodmen chose him as their patron. Besides
sawyers, he is also the patron of craftsmen working with leather,
weavers and masons.
Paul (Pavel)
Paul came from Jerusalem and his original name was Saul, which
is the Greek for Paul. He did not belong to the original Apostles and
he did not know Jesus in person. He nevertheless hated Christians,
persecuted them and captured them. On one of his journeys, a bright
light suddenly surrounded him, he was blinded and he heard a
reproaching voice. When he came back to his sight after this mystical
experience, he became not only a devoted Christian but also, according
to preserved sources, the best disseminator and protector of
Christianity ever. He journeyed all over the Roman Empire with the
message of the new faith. His instructive texts and epistles that he
sent to the first Christian communities have the form of antique
letters and form a significant part of the Acts of the Apostles in the
New Testament. He is the patron of catholic press, theologians and
spiritual stewards but also of female workers, glassmakers and shipmen.
On the astronomical clock, he is depicted with a book and a sword.
Philip (Filip)
The name Philip is of a Greek origin and it means that his
bearer is an “adorer of horses” (philos and hippos). Together with
Andrew, they were the only Apostles with Greek names. Jesus chose him
himself. He is the patron of hatters, shopkeepers, fullers,
pate?makers, tanners and confectioners. He is usually depicted with a
book or a scroll. On the astronomical clock, he holds a cross.
The sculptures appear in the left and right window of the astronomical
clock in this order (viewed from the square):
The term Apostles represents not only the original twelve
disciples of Jesus Christ’s but also, in more extensive meaning, the
other 72 original followers and supporters of the new doctrine. The
Prague astronomical clock has 12 figures, for which the term “Apostles”
is used. The current set of wooden sculptures was created by the
sculptor Vojtěch Sucharda (1884–1968), who had already renovated the
former sculptures. After fire in 1945–1948, he created a new set. He
wanted to approach the sculptures in a completely new way; however,
within specifications of his job, he was allowed to shift the aspects
and attributes of the saints towards the symbology of traditional
It is not known what the original sculptures, which suffered
damage in the course of time and were replaced several times, looked
like. Presumably (and some earlier sources mention it), a sculpture of
Jesus Christ was a part of the set. Rare photographic documentation
from the beginning of the 20th century suggests that, bearing in mind
changes of the attributes of the sculptures, one of them can be
considered to be Jesus Christ. However, the total number of 12
sculptures has always been maintained.
As a matter of interest from a technical point of view, we
will show a detail of the movement of the Apostles, attached at the
ends of the arms of the motion mechanism in such a manner that they can
rotate. Each of the two supporting wheels driven by a chain has 6 arms
with a gap between the first and the last one. The sculptures are
returned to the rest position of a “walking Apostle” by a spring. One
of the springs is visible on the first arm from the left. At the moment
when the sculpture is shifted behind the window, the rotating lever
seats onto the shaped guide which can be seen in the upper left
picture. This causes a smooth rotation of the sculpture towards the
window and back.
The original mechanism was even more complex, as the rotation
of some of the sculptures was accompanied by other motions. Peter
raised his right hand, Paul nodded and Thomas shook his head. Rosický
stated in his interpretation of the time that Peter swore, Paul agreed
and Thomas did not believe. The prewar sculptures were presumably
hollow and thus allowed installation of other mechanisms. The current
sculptures are not hollow and, regrettably, they do not make any other
Text & photo:
Stan. Marušák